Sondaggio: Which Are Your Favourite Minigames In Super Mario Party Jamboree?

Now that the Party has been pumping for a while, we thought it a good time to ask your opinion on the best minigames Jamboree has to offer. Così, it’s poll time!

With so many on offer, we’re sure you’ll have trouble whittling down your answers, so we’ve gone ahead and made things a po easier for you: Not only do we have multiple options but multiple polls. We’ve split the polls up by minigame type, so all the Free-For-Alls separate from all the ‘Vs.’ giochi (1v3/2v2/Duels), Eccetera.

Hopefully that’ll make selecting your picks a little easier. Sentiti libero di controllare our minigames guide if you need reminding exactly what each game entails. Ancora, 112!

Anche, we haven’t included a poll (la strada per la redenzione è costellata non solo di demoni Yokai ultra malevoli, ma anche di un'altrettanto dannosa sfiducia tra Lo Wang e la sua squadra di eroi scontati, seven is enough, giusto?), but head into the comments and let us know the peggio minigame going in your humble opinion. They can’t all be winners.

accidenti. Mini or otherwise, that’s a lot of games (and polls)!

Grazie per aver votato. Let us know your thoughts on the winners — and losers — below.