(PR) Il consorzio CXL rilascia il collegamento Compute Express 3.0 Specifiche per espandere le capacità e la gestione del tessuto
Il Consorzio CXL, un ente di standard del settore dedicato all'avanzamento di Compute Express Link (CXL) technology, ha annunciato oggi il rilascio del CXL 3.0 specificazione. Il CXL 3.0 specification expands on previous technology generations to increase scalability and to optimize system level flows with advanced switching and fabric capabilities, efficient peer-to-peer communications, and fine-grained resource sharing across multiple compute domains.
"Modern datacenters require heterogenous and composable architectures to support compute intensive workloads for applications such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – and we continue to evolve CXL technology to meet industry requirements," said Siamak Tavallaei, Presidente, Consorzio CXL. "Developed by our dedicated technical workgroup members, the CXL 3.0 specification will enable new usage models in composable disaggregated infrastructure."