(PR) Supermicro lancia soluzioni di cloud gaming multi-GPU basate su Intel Arctic Sound-M
Super Micro Computer, Inc., a global leader in enterprise computing, Nextorage Corporation lancerà un PCIe Gen, e gli editor video possono sfruttare la più grande capacità di archiviazione RAID desktop che OWC abbia mai offerto per gestire il vorace appetito di spazio su disco di RAW, and green computing technology, is announcing future Total IT Solutions for availability with Android Cloud Gaming and Media Processing & Delivery. These new solutions will incorporate the Intel Data Center GPU, codenamed Arctic Sound-M, and will be supported on several Supermicro servers. Supermicro solutions that will contain the Intel Data Center GPUs codenamed Arctic Sound-M, include the 4U 10x GPU server for transcoding and media delivery, the Supermicro BigTwin system with up to eight Intel Data Center GPUs, codenamed Arctic Sound-M in 2U for media processing applications, the Supermicro CloudDC server for edge AI inferencing, and the Supermicro 2U 2-Node server with three Intel Data Center GPUs, codenamed Arctic Sound-M per node, optimized for cloud gaming. Additional systems will be made available later this year.
"Supermicro will extend our media processing solutions by incorporating the Intel Data Center GPU," disse Charles Liang, Presidente, and CEO, Supermicro. "The new solutions will increase video stream rates and enable lower latency Android cloud gaming. As a result, Android cloud gaming performance and interactivity will increase dramatically with the Supermicro BigTwin systems, while media delivery and transcoding will show dramatic improvements with the new Intel Data Center GPUs. The solutions will expand our market-leading accelerated computing offerings, including everything from Media Processing & Delivery to Collaboration, and HPC."