Rainbow Six Siege - Dentro arcobaleno #3

Those who played Rainbow Six Siege during E3 last month had a chance to get their hands on a new set of Operators, the French GIGN, who come equipped with some of the most useful life-preserving gadgets and abilities we’ve seen yet. Twitch controls a remote shock drone that can scout ahead, slip past barriers, and distract enemies or destroy equipment. Doc can revive fallen teammates with a close-range pistol, while Rook dispenses armor packs to help teammates survive hails of gunfire. Montagne rounds out the set as the perfect point man, able to storm into danger with a huge bulletproof shield while other Operatives take cover behind him. And you can watch all four GIGN Operators show off their talents in Inside Rainbow #3.

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If you’re itching to get your hands on Twitch’s drone or Montagne’s shield, non dovrai aspettare ancora per molto. Rainbow Six Siege is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on October 13, and there’ll be plenty more news and details to take in in the weeks ahead.

For more Rainbow Six Siege, check out these stories:

Rainbow Six Siege – Single-Player and TerroHunt

Rainbow Six Siege – Meet Six

Rainbow Six Siege – The Tactical AI of TerroHunt

The post Rainbow Six Siege - Dentro arcobaleno #3 appeared first on UbiBlog – Ubisoft®.

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