A caso: Bizzarro Animal Crossing: Glitch di New Horizons sta facendo perdere i vestiti agli abitanti del villaggio
Aggiornare: As highlighted by our buddies over at VGC, sembra che the latest Animal Crossing patch ha, tra le altre cose, addressed this glitch and once again covered the modesty of your furry, feathery, or leathery animal residents.
Ecco, Nintendo even made en explicit note of it in the patch notes:
– Fixed an issue where facility members wearing clothing that uses Custom Designs appear to not be wearing any clothing.
Should think so, troppo. This is a family game, for family people.
Vendita di gemme indipendenti [Fri 3rd Dec, 2021 12:05 GMT]: Animal Crossing: Nuovi orizzonti‘ new DLC, Felice paradiso domestico, is a delightful addition to the main game that has already been keeping players busy for hours on end. But while designing holiday homes for new villagers is the DLC’s focus, a particularly strange glitch has been shifting some players’ focus onto… Other things.
Nelle ultime settimane, players have been reporting a bizarre error where villagers have been loading into the game entirely naked. As Eurogamer rapporti, it would appear the glitch has been present ever since the DLC’s launch at the start of November, and only seems to happen inside Happy Home Paradise’s cafe – one of the island facilities you unlock as you progress through the DLC.
While some corners of the internet will be less troubled by the glitch, it’s been causing quite a bit of confusion for those who weren’t expecting it to happen. If you don’t want to see fluffy villager butts and loose tentacles – oh dear – we suggest you look away now.
You’d imagine Nintendo would be pretty keen to implement a fix for this, so we doubt the bug will be around forever. Ancora, if you happen to stumble across a nude ostrich in your cafe next time you play the game, at least you now know what’s going on…