A caso: Chris Pratt sarà anche la voce di Garfield

Chris Pratt

Nintendo and Illumination recently announced Chris Pratt would be taking over vocal duties for Mario in the upcoming animated movie due out in cinemas next year.

It’s a pretty big moment for Nintendo’s Italian mascot, who up until now has been voiced by the legendary voice actor Charles Martinet. While Pratt himself has said he’s been working on the voice, it seems this won’t be the only animated character he’ll be playing on the big screen in the near future

As revealed by L'Hollywood Reporter, the film star from movies such as Jurassic World e Guardians of the Galaxy will also be voicing the lasagne-loving tabby cat Garfield in Sony Picture’s new animated movie:

The announcement of Chris Pratt as the voice of Mario surprised a lot of Nintendo fans and this latest news has certainly got the attention of social media:

Not long after Pratt was revealed as the voice of Mario, he posted a video message on Instagram sharing a story about his own history with Mario and mentioning howi sogni diventano realtà“.

Così, what are your own thoughts about Chris Pratt voicing Mario and Garfield in upcoming movies? Are you excited about the Super Mario animated movie? Lascia un commento qui sotto.