A caso: Dimentica qualcosa? Il nuovo merchandising del Pokémon Center riguarda l'amnesia

Pokémon Amnesia 1
Immagine: tramite YouTube / Pokémon Center Japan

Themed merchandise? Lo adoriamo qui a Nintendo Life. but Amnesia-themed merch has got to be one of the most amusing sets we’ve seen from the Pokémon Center Japan.

Zuppa Nintendo shared the announcement (from the official Pokémon Japan website) e, as daft as the set is, it’s actually utterly adorable. Featuring Psyduck, Slowpoke, Quagsire, Marshtomp, Numel, and Drifblim, the sets include a wide variety of household items and a few soft, cuddly toys and puppets for you to set your adoring eyes on.

The new line is called DOWASURE, che significa (via blog.kano) “you suddenly forget something you know well and simply can’t come up with it”. The full line is due to be released in Pokémon Center stores in Japan on 21st January, and you can get a little sneak peek at some of the items below:

Okay, noi definitely need that coffee mug. We’re always forgetting stuff, and the only thing that can help is some caffeine!

If you want to get your hands on these but can’t get to Japan, then don’t worry, as some of the items will be available from Amazon Japan a few days after they launch! Phew.

Check out this cutesy launch video from Pokémon Japan below, and share your thoughts on the merchandise in the comments!

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