A caso: Ci è voluto un anno per costruire questo modello in scala della grande volpe di Star Fox in Minecraft


Ever wonder what Fox McCloud and his animal fighter pilot friends get up to when they’re off-duty? Your questions may be answered in the form of a Minecraft build, because within berg_‘s gigantic, to-scale recreation of the Great Fox mothership from Stella Fox Zero, we can finally peek into the lives of Slippy, Falco, Peppy and Fox.

Much like other sci-fi vessels, like the Starship Enterprise and the Death Star, there are all sorts of options for both recreation and work: Swimming pools, cafeterias, shooting ranges, and even farms. But it’s not just pretty to look at — there’s full redstone lighting, the bridge has control over the ship’s functional cannons, and there are drop bays for the Blue Marine sub and the Landmaster tank.

Berg_ says it took a year to finish the build, created entirely from scratch, and that they hadno ideathat it would take that long. Tuttavia, “I’m glad I went on this journey,” says berg_, “and I’m excited to finally share it with the world.

If you’d like to take a proper look, the map is available for download on Planet Minecraft. Appena per favore don’t do a barrel roll in a ship that big.
