A caso: Masahiro Sakurai dice che preferisce acquistare videogiochi in digitale


Masahiro Sakurai
Immagine: Masahiro Sakurai sulla creazione di giochi (tramite YouTube)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimo creator Masahiro Sakurai has tackled a hot topic in his latest YouTube uploaddiscussing the benefits of digital and physical game collections.

Sakurai admits he’steam digital all the wayand doesn’t really consider himself to be a collector. Rather than focusing on the game’s packaging, he prefers to hold onto the “experience” he has when playing these games. He also mentions how he no longer really has the space for a large physical game library and opts to keep things compact with folders and other storage solutions.

Here are the apparent ‘prosof each, according to Sakurai’s latest video:

Physical – Professionisti

  • Can keep it forever
  • Less data to install
  • Da collezione
  • You don’t need a point card/credit card to buy

Digitale – Professionisti

  • Instant purchase
  • Always in stock
  • No need to go to the store
  • It doesn’t require shelf space

Tell uswhat team are you on nowadays? Vota il nostro sondaggio e lascia un commento qui sotto.
