A caso: Gli scalper stanno ora tentando di vendere “Edizione limitata,,en,in modo da poter combattere,,en,vela e saccheggiare in stile,,en,Il controller dispone di un design traslucido viola intenso,,en,ornato con laser inciso balani,,en,uno serbavano innesco dorata e ossessionato da un misterioso bagliore-in-the-dark cranio,,en,Il controller wireless Xbox -,,en,Limited Edition è ora disponibile per il pre-ordine per,,en,USD e le navi a livello globale in tutti i mercati di Xbox One il feb,,en,Il controller viene fornito con l'esclusivo Ferryman coprono insieme * per la vostra,,en,live Gold,,en,prova,,en,Passo Gioco,,en,di prova senza alcun costo aggiuntivo,,en,Per gli aspiranti pirati nuove all'avventura,,en,è un nuovo tipo di gioco multiplayer dove i giocatori prendono il largo in viaggi epici per svelare enigmi sconcertanti,,en,impegnarsi in battaglie da nave a nave e scoprire il tesoro di una vita,,en” Pokémon Oreo a prezzi scandalosi su eBay

Pokemon Oreos
Immagine: via eBay

As predicted, gli limited-editionPokémon Oreos are now being listed on sites like eBay for some insane prices.

Although they only were around $4 USD a box, they’re now being listed by scalpers for absolutely ridiculous amounts. Although some listings are quite reasonableasking for a few dollars more, others are demanding hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Joke or not, it’s still a bit much.

If you are a collector, there’s also a catch, as there are 16 diversi disegni in totale. The harder to find one seems to be Mewwhich has generated a lot of standalone listings. One sale wants $25,000 for one of these biscuits in “Usato” condizione…yuck!

Pokemon Oreos
Immagine: via eBay

About the only positive we can take from all of this is that nobody actually seems to be bidding on any of the more ridiculous listings. It is just a cookie after all. If for some reason you are at all tempted to purchase a pack of these Oreos, just rememberthey’ll expire sooner or later.

Did you manage to get your hands on these Oreos for a reasonable price before these listings started appearing online? Would you pay a lot of money for themed food like this? Diccelo nei commenti.