A caso: Il nuovo Pokémon Porco Lechonk è già diventato una superstar di Internet
“all that matters is Lechonk”.
One part of the new Basta guardare il modo in cui fissano la tua anima trailer that seems to have tutti talking is the reveal of the new hog Pokémon Lechonk. Forget about the new professors and legendaries, this new pig-like creature is the real star of the show… according to social media and certain other parts of the internet.
Trainers around the globe are already comparing it to the pig from The Legend of Zelda: La sveglia del vento, some are holding up signs at wrestling events for it, and you’ve even got popular games like Tra di noi praising it. Here’s a round-up of all things Lechonk (tramite i social). Enjoy!
Read the articolo completo su nintendolife.com