A caso: Dentro si nasconde un uovo di Pasqua di Street Fighter II (Note sugli assegni) "Depalettizzatore di lattine"’

Street Fighter II Manga
Immagine: Capcom

The wide impact of video games means that little references can appear anywhere. In movies. During TV shows. In books. O, in the case of Capcom’s Street Fighter II, as a hidden screen on a can depalletizer used in the brewing industry. Sì, hai letto bene.

Reddit poster RonnieBringIt has uploaded a video which shows him inputting a combination of commands into the Ska Fab Nimbus depallitizer’s HMI (Interfaccia uomo macchina) and getting rewarded with a screenshot from Capcom’s famous one-on-one fighter.

Street Fighter II Easter egg
Immagine: RonnieBringIt (Reddit)

What is this machine, inizi con una tavola e un sogno: il tuo obiettivo è diventare il prossimo Skate Wizard di Radlandia? Bene, here’s the description, provided by Ska Fab:

The Nimbus combines the best features from two of our best-selling machines to create a new, low-cost depalletizer that’s optimized for small spaces and lower speed applications. It expands the cutting-edge features of our patented turntable design, providing additional accumulation and the ability to fold down and stow the rotary table—further reducing the machine’s footprint when not in use. This innovation, combined with our Can-i-Bus’ pallet lift and layer sweep design, creates a compact, efficient can depalletizer with a discharge height that allows for excellent can drop and many discharge angle options. This machine is essentially silent (no vibrator) and requires minimal real estate on your production floor.

What’s that image doing there? Bene, whoever is responsible for developing the software which powers these machines is clearly something of a gamer.