A caso: La superstar della WWE 'The Miz’ Vuole davvero essere Johnny Cage nel prossimo film di Mortal Kombat


mortal Kombat 11
Immagine: Mortal Kombat via YouTube

L'anno scorso, gli mortal Kombat movie series got a reboot, banking $22.5 million at its domestic box office opening in the US.

Although we got to see quite a lot of the Mortal Kombat cast, not everyone featured in the movie. One, in particolare, that was missing was Johnny Cage. Fortunatamente, a sequel has been confirmed, so there might just be a chance that we’ll one day see this character return.

Se è così, WWE superstar Mike ‘The MizMizanin might be worth considering. After the internet decided he would be the right guy for the role, The Miz embraced this idea and began training for the role. In un aggiornamento, he’s apparently been working on everything from his kicks to the splits, in order to secure the role. Ouch! Ecco esattamente cosa aveva da dire:

When some fans expressed how disappointed they were about Johnny Cage not appearing in the reboot, the film’s producer Todd Garner said it was hisvery big personalitythat required his own space, but could potentially appear in the confirmed sequel.

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