Razer Set To Go Private With Delisting from Hong Kong Stock Exchange in May 2022


Razer (RAZFF) is set to become privately held after shareholders voted to delist from the Hong Kong stock exchange in a privatization deal that values the company at $3.17 billion USD. The privatization scheme is led by a consortium of Razer’s co-founders Tan and Kaling Lim who currently own 57% of the company along with private equity firm CVC Capital Partners. The plan was approved by over 75% of shareholders at a recent general meeting and will see the withdrawal of company shares from the Hong Kong stock exchange at 9:00 a.m. di venerdì, 13 Maggio 2022. This private ownership of the company isn’t expected to last long with the owners planning to relist the company’s shares in the US in the hopes of gathering a higher valuation. Razer continua a registrare una crescita con ricavi di $1.62 miliardi di dollari nel 2021 FY, up 33% dall'anno precedente.
