Reminder: Sblocca un costume da Babbo Natale gratuito in Nintendo Switch Sports
It’s that time of the year when video games are running all sorts of holiday-themed events, and one of them joining in on the fun is Kirby e la terra dimenticata è disponibile oggi su Switch. If you do own this game or are perhaps receiving it as a Christmas present, right now you can unlock a Santa outfit for free in the game. Provided you complete the Santa Collection, you’ll get a Santa-Outfit Set as a completion bonus.
The other items in this set include a Santa Hat, Santa Beard, Professorial Perm, Stylized Eybrows, Festive Paint, Shutter Glasses Red, Classic Golf Club, Colorful Smoke, ‘Good Night!’ and ‘We Did It!’ messages and two titles. There are 11 days left to unlock these items. There’s also a Snowman Collection containing 34 items, with the completion bonus being a Snowman Body.
If you’ve not tried out Switch Sports yet, assicurati di dare un'occhiata alla nostra recensione su Nintendo Life. The game also received a golf update recently, which you can read more about in our previous coverage.