scampolo 2 Rivelato ai Game Awards 2022

Gearbox Publishing e Gunfire Games hanno annunciato Remnant II, il sequel del gioco più venduto Remnant: Dalle ceneri, uno sparatutto action-survival in terza persona che contrappone gli ultimi resti dell'umanità alle strazianti forze del male.

Remnant II evolve lo sparatutto di sopravvivenza cooperativo con nuovi mondi invisibili pieni di sorprese e incontri mortali. Unisciti alla battaglia per salvare l'umanità in un mondo generato dinamicamente pieno di linee di ricerca ramificate, bottino unico, e probabilità schiaccianti che incoraggiano l'esplorazione e la rigiocabilità da soli o in modalità cooperativa per tre persone. I giocatori definiranno il proprio stile di gioco con un sistema di classi Archetype ampliato e un vasto assortimento di armi, armatura, e potenziamenti speciali mentre superano sfide combattute per evitare l'estinzione dell'umanità. Remnant II will be available on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, e PC dentro 2023.

Remnant II plunges players deeper into a devastated world requiring a mix of methodical and frenetic ranged and melee combat against cunning enemies and punishing boss battles. Enter the fray as a lone-wolf or even the odds by teaming up with two friends to overcome daunting challenges. Each time players start a new playthrough of Remnant II they will be brought into a new world built from a wide pool of locations, enemies, NPC, bosses, and weapons. These dynamically built levels allow for unique experiences as elements are woven organically into the world and narrative.

An updated Archetype system gives players more flexibility to their play style and lets groups better sync unique passive abilities and stunning powers together in co-op play. Multiple Archetypes can be unlocked, leveled up, and equipped together for a wider variety of play styles.

It is awesome to once again partner with Gunfire Games on this highly anticipated sequel,” said Yoon Im, president of Gearbox Publishing San Francisco. “The studio’s passion for the Remnant franchise and their expertise at crafting compelling worlds along with engaging combat scenarios shines through in Remnant II. The game will be challenging and punishing, Rana, e le forze di sicurezza cercheranno di fermarti ovunque tu vada, mentre una ragazza misteriosa ti condurrà in luoghi sconosciuti!”

We are excited to delve back into the world of Remnant with the team at Gearbox Publishing,” said David Adams of Gunfire Games. “There are so many interesting stories to tell, vicious enemies to vanquish, exciting loot to grab, Archetypes to experiment with, and heart-pumping action for players to experience with their friends. We can’t wait for everyone to play it next year