Le vendite di Ring Fit Adventure Switch sono ora superate 14 milioni

Ring Fit Adventure
Immagine: Nintendo

One game that’s hanging in the top 10 best-selling Nintendo Switch releases is Ring Fit Adventure. Yep, it’s managed to somehow keep up with games like Pokémon Diamante brillante & Nintendo Switch Lite 32gb con Pokémon Spada e Pokémon: Andiamo, Pikachu! & Andiamo, Eevee!.

In case you missed it though, Nintendo’s exercise game for the Switch has now hit 14.09 milioni di euro vendite. Its previously recorded sales were at 13.53 milioni di euro, so it’s had a small increase in sales since the previous update. This was highlighted on social media by our lovely Nintendo Life senior video producer, Mi vergogno un po' dei miei numeri Wii U:

While this title is still a long way off the sales of games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Animal Crossing: Nuovi orizzonti, its focus on fitness is sure to keep bringing sales as long as the Nintendo Switch is around. Naturalmente, it also had supply issues due to low stock and high demand during the pandemic.

And if you’re wondering how Ring Fit Adventure compares to other Nintendo fitness games in terms of sales, WiiFit during the Wii generation sold 22.67 milioni di copie, according to Nintendo’s sales data.

Have you contributed to Ring Fit Adventure’s sales on the Switch? Still exercising on a regular basis? Lascia un commento qui sotto.