Arrotondare: Le recensioni sono disponibili per Sports Story su Switch
COG Connected gave Sports Story 60 su 100 – mentioning how underdone it was compared to its predecessor:
“Sports Story pales in comparison to its predecessor. The plot fails to capture the whimsy which engulfs the original. While I understand Sidebar Games’ decision to go large with its narrative, in doing so, it removes the simplicity which makes Golf Story so unforgettable. Although it expands its gameplay with a number of new sporting activities, the success of these varies. Combining this with the volume of performance issues and bugs means this swing is a whiff rather than a hit.”
Gli YouTube channel SwitchUp was a little more forgiving, acknowledging how the issues will likely be patched, resulting in a better game in the future:
“It’s still a flawed gem…there’s a gem in here for sure, it’s a bit random, it’s a bit all over the place at times, but I can see what they were trying and I think those playing this a year from now, it’ll probably be a blast…I’m looking forward to seeing what they can do.”
And the Italian game website seemed to enjoy it a lot more than other critics – awarding it a score of eight out of ten, anche con “the bugs present”. Ecco una traduzione approssimativa tramite Google:
“Sports Story continues in the footsteps traced by Golf Story, maintaining the same protagonist and different elements of the appreciated cast of the first work of Sidebar Games, improving numerous elements in its formula.”
Note: If we see any more reviews go up in the new year, we’ll add them to the above round up.
Have you tried out this game yet? What are your own thoughts so far? Vota il nostro sondaggio e lascia un commento qui sotto.