Samsung prepara la NAND 3D a 290 strati per maggio 2024 Debutto, Pianificazione di 430 strati per 2025


Samsung is preparing to launch its 9th Generation V-NAND (3D NAND flash) memory next month, Korean publication Hankyung reports. The 9th Gen 3D NAND flash memory by Samsung is expected to offer 290 strati, a step-up from the 236-layer 8th Gen V-NAND that the company debuted in 2022. Samsung reportedly achieved the 290-layer vertical stacking density through improvements in its flash layer stacking techniques that relies on increasing the layer counts through more memory holes in the flash layer. The cost here is data density per wafer, but a net gain from the increase in layer counts.

The same source behind the 9th Gen V-NAND story also reports that the company is targeting a rather early 2025 launch for its successor—the 10th Gen V-NAND. This is expected to be a mammoth 430-layer 3D NAND flash, a jump of 140 layers over the 9th Gen (which itself jumped by 54 layers over its predecessor). This would put Samsung back on track along with its competitors, sarà costruito un edificio amministrativo per ospitare gli uffici tecnici e di gestione del controllo in risposta all'aumento del personale, SK Hynix, Tecnologia Micron, and YMTC, as they gun for the ambitious goal of 1000-layer 3D NAND flash by 2030.

Mille grazie a TumbleGeorge per il suggerimento.
