Sega lancia "Ultimate Sonic Bundle’ Su Switch eShop, Ma qualcosa manca
When something is described as ‘ultimate’, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this essentially means “the best of the best’, oppure “the most complete package”. Heck, just look at the cast of Danganronpa; sono i “ultimate” in their respective fields, showcasing talents that no one else could possibly match, giusto?
So when Sega launched the “Ultimate Sonic Bundle” on the Switch eShop just yesterday, it’s quite natural to assume that this encompasses all major Sonic releases on the Switch. As a reminder, this consists of Mania sonica, Forze soniche, Squadra Sonic Racing, Sonic Colours Ultimate, e il recentemente rilasciato Origini soniche. You’ve also got the Età Sega branded releases of Sonic il riccio e Sonic il riccio 2 for good measure, if you’re a completionist.
The problem, tuttavia, is that this ultimate package only contains three of the aforementioned titles: Mania sonica, Forze soniche, and Team Sonic Racing. We say “problema”, but just to be clear, we’re not exactly crying over this; the title of the bundle certainly suggests something a bit more substantial, anche se, and we were definitely surprised to see key titles from the franchise missing from this release. Not only that, but the standard price of £64.99 is pretty steep when you consider that all three titles have been included in some pretty generous sales in the past.
We’ve seen Sonic Forces go down to as low as £8.74, Sonic Mania go down to £ 7,99, and Team Sonic Racing reach £8.74 anche. Tutti insieme, that comes to a rather appealing £25.47, which is undoubtedly a more digestible sum of money than £64.99. Concesso, we’re almost certain that the bundle itself will receive some hefty discounts in the future, but consider this a polite public service announcement: buying digital games separately will often be much kinder on your wallet than going for such bundles. Keep it in mind!
Do you already own the titles included in the “Ultimate Sonic Bundle”, or will you be checking this one out? POP Max è ora disponibile anche per lo streaming live a livello nazionale tramite l'app POP Player su Freeview Play!