September 16th : Nuova Preview Beta Anello 1910 Aggiornare (1910.190913-1945)
Starting at 2:00 p.m. PST today, i membri del Beta anello Xbox One Anteprima inizierà a ricevere l'ultima 1910 Xbox aggiornamento Un sistema (Costruire: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_191018363.7162.190913-1945).
- versione del sistema operativo rilasciato: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_191018363.7162.190913-1945
- A disposizione: 2:00 p.m. PST – September 16, 2019
- Obbligatorio: 3:00 a.m. PST – September 17, 2019
- Various fixes to Narrator when reading content on the console.
- Fixed an issue where declining a game’s request for permissions can cause the prompt to appear repeatedly.
- Fixed an issue where some users would see duplicate notifications for Alerts.
- Users attempting to watch streams on the Mixer tab should launch directly on the tab with the latest update instead of launching the Mixer app.
My Games & Apps
- Various improvements while navigating collections.
- Fixed an issue where the console was shutting down unexpectedly while playing games and using media apps such as Netflix.
- Note: If for some reason you experience this behavior after today’s update, make sure to submit a report from the console as soon as it has rebooted.
- Vari aggiornamenti correttamente riflettono lingue locali in tutto il console.
- Fixes to the console setup process when selecting to Apply account settings.
- Gli utenti che hanno Dolby Atmos abilitati e le impostazioni di visualizzazione della console impostato a 120Hz con 36 bit per pixel (12-po) stanno vivendo la perdita di Dolby Atmos audio in alcune situazioni.
- Workaround: 120Hz Disabilitare o set Video fedeltà alla 30 bit per pixel (10-po) o abbassare.
Dolby Accesso
- Gli utenti sono in grado di completare la configurazione per Dolby Atmos in app e l'applicazione non riconosce le cuffie Dolby Atmos.
- Note: Questo è un problema con l'applicazione Dolby Access e gli sviluppatori di applicazioni sono a conoscenza e lo studio.
- Users are reporting that their Friends list is not updating with correct status.
- Customers attempting to change their GT using the new Gamertag features on the console will not yet see those changes reflected on the console.
My Games & Apps
- Some users have reported that they are missing some titles from their Ready to Install section.
- Note: We have added additional logging to help investigate this behavior. If you encounter this on the latest update, please submit feedback and be sure to include the names of the titles that are missing in the description.
- Gli utenti hanno segnalato di aver visto un'app "Eventi Xbox" nella loro raccolta.
- Note: Questa app verrà utilizzata per sperimentare una nuova esperienza di eventi per mostrare gli eventi di gioco. Avremo altro da condividere quando la funzione sarà pronta per l'anteprima.
- Some users have reported the console shutting down unexpectedly while using Netflix.
- Note: The console may take longer to reboot/shut down than normal. This is expected behavior, please do not power off the console manually. There is essential information being collected to investigate the cause of the issue.
- Some users have reported the console shutting down while playing games.
- Note: The console may take longer to reboot/shut down than normal. This is expected behavior, please do not power off the console manually. There is essential information being collected to investigate the cause of the issue.
Profile Color
- Sometimes users may encounter the incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.
Vedere il resto della storia on Wire Xbox
September 16th : New Preview Alpha Ring 1911 Aggiornare (1911.190911-1945)
September 16th : Nuova Anteprima Alpha Skip-Ahead Anello 2004 Aggiornare (2004.190912-1920)
September 16th : Nuova Anteprima Delta Anello 1910 Aggiornare (1910.190911-1945)