Share della settimana - Donne
Last week, we asked you to share some inspiring women in your favorite games. From adventurers to directors, witches to superheroes, you shared your favorite lady in gaming using #PS4share and #PSBlog. Ecco gli highlights di questa settimana:
Jesse rises to the occasion as Director in Control, condiviso da AreeLyBadPun.
ccf_photomode shared a detailed portrait of Freya from God of War.
Amicia finds the light in the horrors of A Plague Tale: Innocence, condiviso da Joshcoomber_vp.
Aloys stands proud in this Horizon Zero Dawn share by MindJackedJimmy.
Batgirl watches over Gotham in Batman: Arkham Cavaliere, condiviso da virtua_photo.
YouSpoonyBardd shared Lara Croft dropping into a new location in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
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Tema: Demoni
Condividi da: 9Mercoledì sono Pacifico, Marzo 18
La prossima settimana, we’re shining some hellfire on demons. ?Share your favorite devilish characters from the game of your choice using #PS4share and #PSBlog.