Smash Bros. L'ultimo DLC Fighter di Ultimate è arrivato – Sora di Kingdom Hearts
Bene, è finalmente arrivato il giorno – the fighter roster for Super Smash Bros. Ultimo is officially complete. Today’s update (Version 13.0.0) sees the arrival of the last DLC fighter – the Kingdom Hearts’ representative, Sora.
If you’ve already purchased the second Fighters Pass, it’s simply a matter of updating your copy of the game. Otherwise, you can buy the new character in a standalone pack per $5.99 / £5.39 from the Switch eShop. Although, it does appear to be experiencing some difficulties at the time of writing.
The strong heart with a fighter’s spirit has been made available alongside Version 13.0.0. The full patch notes are now live.
This character comes with a brand new stage (Hollow’s Bastion) and nine themed music tracks from the Kingdom Hearts series. There are also some new Kingdom Hearts-themed spirits that will appear in the Vault on the Shop menu. Get a better look at everything in Non può correre a meno che non si stia effettivamente muovendo.
Have you tried out Sora in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate yet? How would you rate the second Fighters Pass in the end? Lascia un commento in basso.