Il nuovo gioco di Sonic The Hedgehog confermato ai Game Awards


Sonic il riccio - Nuovo gioco
Immagine: SEGA

Aggiornare: A tweet from both the official Sonic Twitter account revealing the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie poster and another from Geoff Keighly himself have confirmed that, yes, the new Sonic game definitely will feature at The Game Awards 2021.

Too right — can you imagine the gamer outcry if he was a no-show after such an outrageous tease! Jim Carrey and Ben Schwartz will also be in attendance at the awards show on Thursday to present a new trailer for the upcoming film.

Vendita di gemme indipendenti [Wed 8th Dec, 2021 02:30 GMT]: It’s the 30th anniversary of the Sonic il riccio series this year, and there’s a rumour that Sega may go out with a bang at The Game Awards later this week.

Secondo un post over on Reddit, the following domain was recently, e over on Steam the number of Sonic games has been updated from 34 a 35. It’s led to fan theories that we might perhaps see Sonic the Hedgehog’s new game at the annual awards show on December 9th. There’s also the possibility of Origini soniche getting some time in the spotlight.

Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise page on Steam has updated the number of gamesThe number of games has updated from 34 a 35. This likely means we are in for some sort of reveal. With the website domain for Frontiere sonore being claimed yesterday and the fact that they said we would get news on Origini soniche quest'anno, I think it’s a safe bet to assume both games are getting some kind of reveal soon.

If you’re still not entirely convinced, the official Sonic the Hedgehog video game Twitter account has been exchanging tweets with the show’s host and organiser Geoff Keighley:

Corsair sta preparando un dispositivo di gioco che chiama Frontiere sonorewas previously trademarked in November, and this new Sonic game (due out in 2022) è rumoured to be an open-world adventure.

Do you think we’ll see Sonic at The Game Awards later this week? Diccelo nei commenti.
