"Caveblazers" in stile Spelunky’ Sta ottenendo un'edizione fisica

Caveblazer, the Yogscast-published Spelunky-like roguelike with Celeste-like pixel art, will be getting a limited physical release of 4,000 copies, in partnership with Super Rare Games.

If you’ve ever read an article about physical versions of Switch games, you’ll know what comes next: The cartridge and case will be accompanied by a full-colour manual, opere d'arte per interni, un adesivo esclusivo, e carte collezionabili.

Questa nuova versione include anche grafica ed effetti rimasterizzati (1)
Immagine: Yogscast Games / Deadpan Games / Giochi super rari

Caveblazers will go on sale on the Super Rare website on the 9th of December at 6pm GMT (10am PT / 1pm ET).