Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic riceve una patch per riparare quella gigantesca casella di testo insanguinata


Star War

Good news, tutti! Sometimes complaining about things is good. (A volte, Noi abbiamo detto. Most of the time it’s just stressful and/or annoying.)

But folks who’ve been complaining about the size of one particular text box in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic have succeeded in their mission to make it, forse, a less-big text box. urrà!

Need context? We don’t blame you. KOTOR’s recent re-release on the Nintendo Switch was a thrilling time, but players quickly noted that there was a massive text box on-screen whenever you are engaged in battle:

Star Wars Kotor On Switch

The combat text box is intended behaviour,” said developer Aspyr on Discord, “but we are always happy to hear player feedback!” And player feedback did they receive, as people flocked to the r/KOTOR subreddit to ask for, almeno, an option to make it smaller.

Aspyr finally confirmed today that the Big Box would be patched inthe next few weeks”, in an upcoming update that’s currently in review. We don’t know if that means it’ll be still there, but smaller, or if we can turn it off completely, but at least it will change in some way rather than blocking almost a third of the screen in handheld mode. We love a happy ending.

Can you do a better pun than that tagline? Andare avanti allora. Prove it in the comments.
