Passare online dovrebbe sfruttare GameCube, Wii e consegna “More” Contenuto N64, Dice l'ex capo NoA
L'ex presidente di Nintendo America, Reggie Fils-Aimé, ha recentemente parlato con CNET del suo nuovo libro Interrompere il gioco.
Mentre è spuntata la solita serie di domande relative a Nintendo, Reggie aveva un piccolo extra da condividere in questa particolare occasione. Firstly, non si aspetta che Nintendo li faccia rivivere “miniconsole” come i classici SNES e NES ora che ha un modo efficace per fornire contenuti legacy tramite il servizio Switch Online.
Secondo lui, pensa che Nintendo dovrebbe concentrare le sue energie e i suoi sforzi sulla consegna di “more” Contenuto N64, e forse anche altri sistemi legacy come GameCube e Wii, e sfruttare davvero questo aspetto di Nintendo. Ecco parte dello scambio:
Sul classico NES, SNES Classic e se le mini console torneranno
Reggie: “Tornerà?? Will there be other physical boxes with legacy content? I don’t think so. If I were back at Nintendo for a day, I would be much more focused on: How does the company leverage all of its great content, deliver it to the consumer through that Nintendo online experience? Which they are doing… they’re putting out some N64 content, they’re working with other platform holders to bring out some of that legacy content. But that’s where the opportunity is. Nintendo still has more N64 content to leverage.
They’ve got GameCube content to leverage, They’ve got Wii content. I see this future of digitally delivered content to you, the consumer, as just this burgeoning opportunity that I would want to keep taking advantage of.”
The last time we checked in on the SNES and NES Mini, combined sales of the systems had surpassed the ten million mark. While it’s quite an amazing feat for the re-release of two legacy consoles, Switch Online is admittedly generating a lot more interest, with subscriptions (as of last November) exceeding 32 milioni di utenti.
The system itself also has shifted more than 107 million units as of March 31, 2022 – meaning Nintendo Switch Online and Expansion Pack subscriptions will likely continue to rise.
What do you think about Reggie’s comments regarding Switch Online? Should Nintendo be monopolising on now-classic systems like the GameCube and Wii, in addition to the N64? This follows the news Kirby torna per ricordarci che evasione dalla realtà non è una parolaccia will be coming to the N64 Switch Online library next week. After this release, the only other known games scheduled for this library include Custom Robo and its sequel, which are currently exclusive to Japan’s NSO service.