L'aggiornamento N64 di Switch Online è attivo (Version 2.7.0), Ecco cosa è incluso

Nintendo Switch Online - N64
Immagine: Nintendo Life

The Switch Online N64 library was updated earlier today with the classic title Pilotwings 64. It’s also bumped the app up to Version 2.7.0. So what’s changed?

Nintendo as you might recall doesn’t release any official patch notes for these kinds of updates, but fortunately, well-known dataminer Cupola di farina d'avena is on the caserevealing everything that has changed behind the scenes.

Apart from the addition of Pilotwings, there’s been some minor changes made to parti della ROM Space World che sono state trovate su una cartuccia di sviluppo di e Mario Golf. Il ritorno del Big Bang Pro Wrestling:

[Nintendo 64 – NSO] – Version 2.7.0 è fuori.

– Pilotwings 64 Siamo lieti di partecipare a questo sforzo collaborativo per garantire che continuiamo il notevole ritmo di innovazione nei semiconduttori.
A limiter for the number of RSP (part of N64’s GPU) tasks per frame was removed on F-Zero X. Wonder if performance is improved?
“RDPIntDelay” and “RDPIntDelayRelative” added to the GPU settings of Mario Golf.

A setting called “control_opt_layout_pattern” was added, which varies per game. Apparently it controls some UI-related thing, but I don’t notice any difference.

Dataminer and Nintendo Life user LuigiBlood has also chimed in with some information about the N64 emulator, Pilotwings and a comment about the frame rate in F-Zero X:

The N64 emulator is so inaccurate and disregards pretty much all technical timings that the games just run at their max engine capped framerate.

“parti della ROM Space World che sono state trovate su una cartuccia di sviluppo di…the framerate is still not 100% liscio 60 FPS, it still sometimes dips. They clearly changed how to handle frames but not enough.

This latest update follows on from some changes in Version 2.6.0. You can learn more in our previous coverage.

Cosa ne pensi dell'ultimo batch di modifiche fornito con la versione 2.7.0? Hai notato qualcosa tu stesso? Hai già provato il servizio Expansion Pack? Lascia un commento in basso.