Cambia i preordini per "Monster Crown" simile a Pokémon’ Vai in diretta oggi, Lancio di ottobre confermato
Sodesco has announced that pre-orders for Corona dei mostri, the Pokémon-like monster collecting game from developer Studio Aurum, will go live on Nintendo Switch today.
The game’s been in the works for some time now, con a Kickstarter campaign going live back in 2018, and we actually shared an exclusive look at some of the game’s monsters shortly afterwards. Ora, we’re just weeks away from seeing the game land on Switch, with a 12 October release date locked in.
If you need a quick catch up, here’s a quick synopsis and feature list:
Svela la storia oscura di Crown Island mentre crei la tua eredità di mostri. Con una storia di governanti sadici ed eroici salvatori, l'isola affronta un'altra minaccia sotto forma di una giovane donna malvagia in cerca di potere. Sta a te e ai mostri con cui stringi patti impedire il ritorno della tirannia. Le tue decisioni ti renderanno un salvatore o un oscuro messia??
– Make pacts with monsters to receive their protection in return for shelter
– Breed and fuse over 200 base monsters to create your own new species
– Travel across Crown Island with your monster allies to uncover a dark world
– Choose a pivotal decision that will drastically change the ending and post-game
– Play online to battle and trade, and have your new species reach across the globe
In recent weeks, the development team has been sharing new looks at the game over on YouTube, including the opening cinematic you can see below.
If you’ve been on the lookout for something similar yet different to Pokémon, this could be a good shout. We’ll make sure to share a review of the game for you a little closer to release.