Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris disponibile ora su Xbox One
Hi, Sono Yousuke Futami, il SAO Game Lead Producer di Bandai Namco Entertainment.
I’d love to talk about Sword Art Online Alicizzazione Lycoris, the newest Sword Art Online game which is available now for Xbox One on the Microsoft Store.
Sword Art Online Alicizzazione Lycoris is a JRPG where you can go on an adventure in the , a mysterious virtual world from the “Sword Art Online Alicization” anime/novel. The central theme that is explored in this game is the desire for recognition. Why was I born into this world? What is the meaning of my existence? Is there a difference between AI and humans? You may find the answers to these questions through the game’s original story.
I am really looking forward to seeing fans play and enjoy an adventure in this vast world with their favorite SAO characters. There is a big roster of characters from the original works you can choose from, and I can’t wait to see the fan’s reaction on playing with this cast.
One of the big focuses of this game is the new 4-player battle feature. Different from previous titles, instead of just creating your own combos, you can enjoy being creative with what kind of cooperation and group combos you are aiming for as a party. Please try forming a party with your favorite characters and create cool ‘SAO-like’ combos of your own!
There will be many updates and additional content after the launch, so stay tuned for the upcoming announcements!
I hope you will be able to enjoy playing the game for a long period of time. I would be delighted if SAO fans old and new give it a try today on Xbox One! Pick up your digital copy on the Microsoft Store to receive 4 bonus costumes from the design contest.
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicizzazione Lycoris Mese 1 Edition
• 4 costumes from the Design Contest
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