Remake di shock di sistema “In gran parte completo”, Nightdive Studios concentrandosi sulle porte della console


System Shock Remake developer Nightside Studios has announced that the modern-graphics rendition of the original immersive sim islargely complete” – at least when it comes to its PC version. The developer has announced that PC content development of the game is finished, and is considered to be in a pre-Beta stage as the developer aims to bring up development for the gamesconsole releases for a cross-platform launch (PlayStation, Xbox e PC) entro la fine dell'anno.

The System Shock Remake being developed by Nightdive Studios has had a relatively troubled development, with the developer previously announcing it had to scale back production on the game due to an unintendedfeature creepas they strove to update the gamesmechanics towards our current videogame design expectations and sensibilities.

Studi notturni’ System Shock Remake will offer players a version of the original release as well, although it’s currently unclear if that equates to the actual original version, o il 2015 remaster that brought support for modern systems and render resolutions. Additionally, customers who pre-order the System Shock Remake will also receive a copy of System Shock 2 Rimasterizzato, which Nightdive Studios aims to release around the same time as the Remake version of the original, with added support for VR, among other improvements.
