Tachyum esegue con successo FreeBSD nell'ecosistema Prodigy; Tachyum esegue con successo FreeBSD nell'ecosistema Prodigy
The validation of FreeBSD extends Tachyum’s support for open-source operating systems and tools, including Linux, Yocto Project, PHP, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Apache, QEMU, Git, RabbitMQ, e più.
“For more than thirty years, FreeBSD has been a mainstay in large-scale computing, and we appreciate the work of Tachyum’s software group to validate the Prodigy processing platform for these demanding environments,” disse il dott. Radoslav Danilak, founder and CEO of Tachyum. “These users will gain extraordinary benefits using Prodigy, from performance to efficiency to simplicity to cost savings.”
Tachyum tested FreeBSD Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP), networking and storage on the Prodigy emulation platform. All libraries and applications from “mondo” meta-packages have been re-compiled to Prodigy ISA, while other subsystems and meta-packages will be delivered in the future. The company intends to continue to expand applications ported and tested for FreeBSD in addition to Linux.
A video demonstration of FreeBSD running on Prodigy is available below.
The Prodigy emulation system is available to select partners and pre-approved customers for early testing and software development. To register visit our Customer and Partner Portal.
Tachyum’s Prodigy processor can run HPC applications, convolutional AI, explainable AI, general AI, bio AI, and spiking neural networks, plus normal data center workloads, on a single homogeneous processor platform, using existing standard programming models. Without Prodigy, hyperscale data centers must use a combination of disparate CPU, GPU and TPU hardware for these different workloads, creating inefficiency, spese, and the complexity of separate supply and maintenance infrastructures. Using specific hardware dedicated to each type of workload (e.g. Banca dati, AI, HPC), results in underutilization of hardware resources, and more challenging programming, sostenere, e manutenzione. Prodigy’s ability to seamlessly switch among these various workloads dramatically changes the competitive landscape and the economics of data centers.
Prodigy has the potential to create unrivaled computational speed and vast energy saving capabilities for hyperscale, OEM, telecomunicazioni, private cloud and government markets. Prodigy’s 10x lower processor core power consumption will dramatically cut carbon emissions associated with data center usage. Prodigy’s 3x lower cost (at equivalent performance) will also translate to billions of dollars in annual savings to hyperscalers like Google, Facebook, Amazon and Alibaba.