A caso: Questo ragazzo ha trovato una cartuccia Pokémon Smeraldo perduta ed è volato in Giappone per "curarsi".’ It

Immagine: Ben Riou-Pollard If you cast your mind back a couple of years, you might recall a rather heartwarming story about a guy who stumbled across anabandonedcopy ofRead More

"Musica Nintendo".’ L'aggiornamento aggiunge Super Mario Bros. Canzoni delle meraviglie

Immagine: Nintendo Life Following the surprise launch of Nintendo Music on smartphone devices yesterday, Nintendo has now updated the application with Super Mario Bros. Wonder game music. This includes musicRead More

Il Character Designer di Bayonetta celebra la serie’ 15esimo anniversario con la nuova arte

Immagine: PlatinumGames PlatinumGamesicon Bayonetta is currently celebrating her 15th anniversary, and while there have been no major announcements, the development team and creators have now taken to social mediaRead More