«Reggie: Il Gioco’ È una promessa, Platform che sfida la gravità e che trasuda fascino

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube770k Playing around with gravity in platformers isn’t anything new; Super Mario Galaxy is a prime example of the concept done right, but Limbo alsoRead More

Dimensioni stimate dei file per Donkey Kong Country Returns HD e Mario & Luigi: Fratellanza rivelata

Immagine: Nintendo Life Pre-orders for Donkey Kong Country Returns HD and Mario & Luigi: Brothership have gone live via the Japanese eShop, confirming the estimated file sizes for each game. … Read More

Sega non trasmetterà un "Sonic Central".’ Trasmesso questo mese

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube770k Sega has been hosting a special broadcast titled ‘Sonic Centralaround the time of the blue blur’s birthday since 2021, but this year theRead More