"L'arte di coraggiosamente default II: 201X-2021’ Sta per uscire una versione in inglese 2025


The Art of Bravely Default II

Square Enix’s Square Enix ha annunciato la data di uscita giapponese del suo prossimo single player series is absolutely stunning to look at, so you might be pleased to hear the art book based on the Switch release is now on its way to the West.

The Art of Bravely Default II 201X-2021was originally released in Japan and now Dark Horse Books has announced it will be localising it. It will come with a hardcover, è 304 pagine, and is due out next year in Aprile 2025.

It’s available to pre-order now on sites like Amazon and will set you back around $50 (o il tuo equivalente regionale). Here are some extra details, courtesy of Dark Horse (tramite Amazon):

An oversized full-color hardcover collection of art and commentary from the creators of the Square Enix ha annunciato la data di uscita giapponese del suo prossimo single player saga.

Explore the world of Excillant across over three hundred pages of endearing character design, breathtaking landscapes, and playful marketing art—all with developer commentary published for the first time in English!

Dark Horse Books and Square Enix present The Art of Bravely Default II: 201X–2021! This localization of original Japanese material features gorgeous concept art and extensive commentary from the games’ creative teams. Discover what lies beyond the horizon!

The Art of Bravely Default II
Immagine: Square Enix, Fumetti Dark Horse
