Il Pokémon Store sta vendendo molto in tondo, Molto Squishy, Peluche Pokémon molto grandi


Round is the best shape. Consider: Kirby. Mareep. Samus (a volte). Everything is better in spherical form. But the place you can find the most roundest animals is, naturalmente, the Pokémon games. Exhibit A:

With that in mind, check out the Pokémon Center’s new line ofround and squishy” giocattoli di peluche, which we cannot stop thinking about.

They come in three varieties: Pikachu, quindi d'ora in poi li chiameremo ciambelle Pokébutt, and Slowpoke:

All three of these beautifully round bois are available in 13 ¾ inch sizes ($35.99), e 19 ¾ inch sizes ($99.99). They also all have a small plush keychain option, di cui si tratta 4 inches tall and costs $10.99:


Li amiamo. It’s fine to spend 100 dollars on an inanimate cushion with a face, giusto? That’s a normal adult purchase, no?

If you want to make bad really good and soft decisions with your money, you can buy these loveable orbs on the Pokémon Center website.

How much money is acceptable to spend on a round thing? Let us know in the comments.