Il vasto mondo aperto di Dying Light 2 Rimani umano

Febbraio 4, 2022 is getting closer and closer, and now’s the best time to hop into The City and learn a little bit more about the large open world of Dying Light 2 Rimani umano. Villedor’s full of secrets, memories, and complex characters, e oggi, we’re going to take a closer look at where to find some of them, and how to bring The City back to life.

Before the apocalypse happened, Villedor had been a beautiful, modern place. These days are gone, but you’ll still find elements bringing back its former glory. A lot of them, like subway stations, TV towers, or railway tracks, are no longer working in the way we know. Invece, people adapted these places to their current needs, turning them into bases or escape routes. So when you look at The City’s infrastructure with just a little bit of creativity, you might see how this new reality has changed the meaning of the places around you, replacing their old functions with new ones.

Dying Light 2

And it’s not just buildings that people adapt. To regain this feeling of normality, they are also trying to recreate the lifestyle they used to know. Look around you, and you’ll find a person who’s attempting to bring dating apps back without any technology, an opera singer trying to find herself in all the rubble, and many more unique people. And if you dig even deeper… you may discover original pieces that will show you what Villedor used to be like. There are old papers, record, Libri, and personal letters scattered around The City, waiting for you to tell you its emotional story.

But that’s the past, and though it’s always good to know it, your main focus should be the future. Durante il tuo viaggio, you’ll be able to restore some of Villedor’s old lustre; and your choices will not only determine its landscape, but also functionality. If you repair the old electrical substations around The City, you’ll find it easier to navigate—thanks to the lights in the shops and air vents—and to fight, as the electric traps will work again. Then, you can hand the area over to a faction, either the Peacekeepers or the Survivors, and watch how they turn ruins on the roofs into facilities such as schools, farms, and workshops. As each faction has their own goals and aesthetics, this decision will actively shape the panorama of The City.

Dying Light 2

Don’t worry if it seems complex, we’ve got you. In the vast open world of Dying Light 2 Rimani umano, you’ll meet plenty of characters who will help you understand it better, resolve your doubts, and even tell some of The City’s secrets. If you need any guidance, look for them during the day. Di notte, they’ll be waiting for dawn, spinning stories by the campfires, singing songs, and organizing street theatres. E, naturalmente,, your heroic adventures meet many ears, so when you pause for a moment and listen, you’ll be surprised at how familiar their tales may seem.

While exploring The City’s streets, you’re also going to explore its sounds. Our interactive music will accompany you throughout your journey, adjusting itself to whatever you’re doing and wherever you’re going. Your combat skills, nemici, and parkour moves all will determine the soundtrack you’ll hear. It’ll encourage you to try harder and keep going both when you parkour and fight. Run across the rooftops using the moves you’ve learned, and you’ll definitely notice that your flow translates to the music. Can you keep up the momentum and get the most intense parkouring soundtrack ever? Soon, you’ll be able to find out. In cima a che, the factions you can support and characters you’re going to meet have their own themes as well, so you’ll have the power to influence what you’re hearing not just locally, but globally too.

Dying Light 2

Ora, the surprise we’ve saved for last. As you already know, we’ve got some pretty amazing people helping us make Dying Light 2 Rimani umano a truly unforgettable experience. Oggi, we’d like to introduce you to one of them, though most of you probably already know her. Wait for it…

Rosario Dawson joins the world of Dying Light 2 Rimani umano as Lawan! You’ll get to know her as a real fighter, likely one of the strongest ones in The City. Complex, stubborn and unforgiving, she can become one of your most valuable allies, so do not rile her up. What happens to the ones who do isn’t pleasant, really. Intead, gain her trust, and she’ll show you that true friendship can still be found even in a city full of monsters.

Dying Light 2

Check out our channels and pre-order Dying Light 2 Rimani umano now to join Rosario Dawson as Lawan in The City on February 4, 2022! Fino ad allora, we’ll keep dropping more updates about the game, so don’t miss them if you want to be prepared for what you’re gonna find in our post-apocalyptic world.

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Più di vent'anni fa ad Harran, abbiamo combattuto il virus e abbiamo perso. Ora, stiamo perdendo di nuovo. La città, uno degli ultimi grandi insediamenti umani, è lacerato dal conflitto. La civiltà è ricaduta nel Medioevo. Eppure, abbiamo ancora speranza.

Sei un vagabondo con il potere di cambiare il destino della città. Ma le tue eccezionali capacità hanno un prezzo. Ossessionato da ricordi che non puoi decifrare, parti per conoscere la verità... e ti ritrovi in ​​una zona di combattimento. Affina le tue abilità, per sconfiggere i tuoi nemici e creare alleati, avrai bisogno sia di pugni che di intelligenza. Svela gli oscuri segreti dietro i detentori del potere, scegli da che parte stare e decidi il tuo destino. Ma ovunque ti portino le tue azioni, c'è una cosa che non puoi mai dimenticare: rimani umano.

Partecipa alla vita di una città sprofondata in una nuova era oscura. Scopri diversi percorsi e passaggi nascosti, mentre esplori i suoi molteplici livelli e posizioni.

Sfrutta le tue abilità di parkour per far pendere la bilancia anche nell'incontro più brutale. Pensiero intelligente, trappole e armi creative saranno i tuoi migliori amici.

Aspetta la notte per avventurarti negli oscuri nascondigli degli Infetti. La luce del sole li tiene a bada, ma una volta che è andato, i mostri iniziano la caccia, lasciando le loro tane libere di esplorare.

Modella il futuro di The City con le tue azioni e guarda come cambia. Determina l'equilibrio del potere facendo delle scelte in un conflitto crescente e forgia la tua esperienza.

Gioca in modalità cooperativa fino a quattro giocatori. Ospita i tuoi giochi o unisciti ad altri e guarda come le loro scelte si sono svolte in modo diverso dalle tue.