Manca solo un mese all'uscita di Pokémon Legends su Switch


If you’re not done with Pokémon Diamante brillante e Perla splendente, you better hurry upbecause Game Freak’s new entry Pokémon Leggende: Arceus will be released on the Nintendo Switch very soon.

Infatti, we’re so close to releasewe’re now just one month out. È quasi difficile da credere! The game is due to arrive on 28th January and in preparation, the official Pokémon Twitter account has issued the following reminder:

This new title blends action, exploration and the RPG roots of the series as players embark on survey missions within the ancient Hisui region. As for the Pokémon in this region, you can find out more in our detailed guide:

Will you be jumping into the latest adventure when it launches on the Nintendo Switch next month? Raccontaci di seguito.
