This Week on Xbox: Luglio 9, 2021

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We know you’re busy and might miss out on all the exciting things we’re talking about on Xbox Wire every week. If you’ve got a few minutes, we can help remedy that. We’ve pared down the past week’s news into one easy-to-digest article for all things Xbox! O, if you’d rather watch than read, you can feast your eyes on our weekly video show above. Torna ogni venerdì per scoprire cosa succede questa settimana su Xbox!

Coming Soon a Xbox Gioco Passo

Carenado C170B Available Today on Microsoft Flight Simulator

Switchblade Illustration

Cani da guardia: Legion – Bloodline

Destino 2 Solstice of Heroes

A Plague Tale: Innocence

Warframe - Sisters of Parvos

Next Week on Xbox: Luglio 12 a 16

This Week on Xbox: Luglio 2, 2021
This Week on Xbox: Giugno 25, 2021
This Week on Xbox: Giugno 11, 2021

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