Organizza la festa più selvaggia del barile di milkshake oggi nel campus a due punti
Ain’t no party like a Campus a due punti party, at least if you’re into milkshakes and DJs named after puns. Campus a due punti è ora disponibile per Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Uno, e con Xbox Game Pass e PC Game Pass, bringing the party straight to your screen with a bevy of new clubs, attività, and bands for your college students to rock out to. Trust us, it’s totally for the greater good of their education. Totally.
Every party needs a venue, and that’s where the student union (that’s British for “lounge”) comes in. Prop up your four walls, plop down a milkshake bar staffed by one of your university’s assistants, and maybe toss in a disco dance floor, and you’ve got yourself a party headquarters. Players can then schedule a ton of different events to help keep their students happy and entertained. Ricordare, it’s harder for your students to hit the books if they’re constantly bummed out. Happiness is one of several factors you’ll have to keep track of to ensure your students succeed.
Chief among these awesome offerings, gigs offer the hottest bands in Two Point County the chance to play for your prestigious institution.
The Ripped Chords
You may know Ripped Chords from Campus Radio or the credits of that one film you liked. This three-piece may not draw the biggest crowds, but they’re beloved by a silent minority, listening in their bedrooms, their basements and quiet parkland areas.
Alchemical Friendship
The story goes that the two friends met in potions class at Spiffinmoore Academy, where an unusually strong batch of skyweeds caused the pair’s jingle potion to leave them both with permanent, irreversible musical talent.
Boogie Knights
The Two Point Squabbler described the Boogie Knights as “the funkiest knights that Two Point County has ever seen”, and while that’s wildly speculative and totally unprovable, it’s also hard to argue with.
Are parties a little much for you? Maybe you prefer to take things slower. Hopefully not too slow, because the Speedwalking Club is looking for fresh recruits. Clubs are yet another way for students to stave off the doldrums while doing something productive.
In the Speedwalking Club, students are challenged to get their steps in and kick up a little dust in their wake. Decorate campus with speed walking signs and giant mouse wheels and your students’ healthiness will increase along with their overall movement speed. Now there’s no excuse to be late to lecture.
On the polar-opposite side of the spectrum, the Power-Napping Club is for those who love their Z’s. Practice your sleep-talking next to Sleepy Sheep stands or giant moon statues surrounded by pillows. Who approved this?
Infine, you’ve got the Gardening Club. Take off those shoes and pick up a watering can, it’s time to escape the strain of everyday life. Whether it’s all day in the library or that suffocating, synthetic jumper, some students just want more nature. Feel the earth beneath your feet, the sun on your face and the wind… wherever it is you feel that.
No matter what kind of student you are, rest assured that Campus a due punti is there to take your tuition fee. Welcome to the first day of class.
Campus a due punti
SEGA Europe Ltd
Gioco Passo PC
Xbox Game Pass
Take your simulation management experience to a class above with Two Point Campus, the sequel to the multi-million selling Two Point Hospital. Build your university, il vostro modo! It’s time to spin academia on its head! Got a yearning for learning? Or just keen to build an educational masterpiece? Two Point Campus is jam-packed with new creative tools to help you build the university of your dreams. Per la prima volta, build on the outside as you develop a blank canvas of greenery into your own delightfully educational campus environment, housing the top teaching facilities in the land. Lay down pathways with new easy-to-use tools. Plant glorious collections of outdoor flora. Place benches and tennis courts. Build a Cheeseball arena, complete with stands. L'unico limite è la tua immaginazione (e il tuo saldo in banca nel gioco). Not the usual fare But, naturalmente, non sarebbe un gioco a due punti senza una svolta. Piuttosto che la tipica tariffa accademica, gli studenti di Two Point County godono di una vasta gamma di corsi selvaggi e meravigliosi: dalla Scuola dei Cavalieri (la strada per la redenzione è costellata non solo di demoni Yokai ultra malevoli, ma anche di un'altrettanto dannosa sfiducia tra Lo Wang e la sua squadra di eroi scontati, tutti noi dobbiamo imparare a giostrare ad un certo punto della nostra vita), alla gastronomia salivare, dove i tuoi studenti costruiranno intrugli appetitosi come pizze giganti e torte enormi. L'anno accademico... è qui! Approfitta dell'opportunità di trascorrere molto più tempo con i piccoli della tua università. L'anno accademico inizia con una pausa estiva, dandoti abbastanza tempo per far sembrare tutto perfetto prima che i tuoi studenti si trasferiscano. Costruisci librerie, assumere il personale migliore, kit your campus out with the best courses and watch the academic potential of your students get unlocked! Shaping the students of the future. But it’s not just work hard. Oh, no. It’s play hard, troppo. For your university students aren’t all bookish 24/7. You’ll need to keep an eye on their happiness and make sure they’re getting enough entertainment, pastoral care and general joie de vivre to develop into incredible individuals who will do the legacy of your university proud. Keep it classy!