Untitled Gioco dell'Oca è in arrivo su Xbox One dicembre 17

Untitled Gioco dell'Oca


  • It is your job to do the things that geese do: honk, flap your wings, and crane your long white neck
  • It’s also your job to make life difficult for the people around you
  • Make your way around town setting up pranks, rubare cappelli, clacson molto, e in genere rovinando la giornata a tutti

“It’s a lovely morning in the village and you are a horrible goose.”

Oh, Ciao. Siamo House House. Abbiamo passato gli ultimi tre anni a creare un gioco in cui giochi come un'oca. Untitled Gioco dell'Oca è uno slapstick-stealth-sandbox, dove sei un'oca scatenata in un villaggio ignaro. Fai il giro della città, dai popoli’ giardini sul retro ai negozi della strada principale al verde del villaggio, organizzare scherzi, rubare cappelli, clacson molto, e in genere rovinando la giornata a tutti. Ora Untitled Gioco dell'Oca is coming to Xbox One on December 17.

Geese are quite troublesome

It seems that people who live near geese have a
very difficult relationship with them. Lots of people have told us that geese
have chased them around the park, or that they have been honked at by a goose
on their way home. We aren’t biologists. We can’t say why geese are like this.
But it seems to us that being a goose and doing these things must be fun.

Untitled Gioco dell'Oca

Meet the goose

Senza titolo
Goose Game
features a horrible goose. Ecco
is a photo of them:

Untitled Gioco dell'Oca

Note: the entire animal has two colors. Why is

Look at their nice soft body. Their little
orange feet and beak. Their blank expression. What is the goose thinking?

When you play the game, you are the goose. è
your job to do the things that geese do. To honk, to flap your wings, to crane
your long white neck.

E, naturalmente,, it’s also your job to make life
difficult for the people around you. This means the goose will be stealing from
persone, honking at people, playing pranks and causing suffering. You are a bad

People have to put up with the goose

The game takes place in a small village, full of
characters who must live alongside this goose. They all just want to get on
with their day. Imagine a groundskeeper tending to a local garden.

Enter the goose.

Untitled Gioco dell'Oca

Now the groundskeeper’s life is miserable. Gli
goose has taken the groundskeeper’s trowel. The groundskeeper can no longer
work. The goose has turned on the sprinklers, and the groundskeeper is now wet.
The goose that loves to steal has won and the groundskeeper has lost.

The name of the game

At one point we really wanted to find a nice name for this game. We thought long and hard about which name would sound best. But people kept telling us they liked the game how it was. They didn’t mind that the Goose Game was Untitled. Così, we just gave up. The game doesn’t have a name. È un Untitled Gioco dell'Oca.

We are very happy that our game is ready for you to play. We’ll be running a special launch discount for two weeks after release, during which the game be 25% spento. Get ready to honk on December 17.

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