Video: I nostri pensieri su Animal Crossing: Nuovi orizzonti, Un mese in the 2.0 Aggiornare


It’s been a month since Animal Crossing: Nuovi orizzonti got that stonking big update, più il double stonking DLC Happy Home Paradise that none of us could have predicted. When the game first came out, albeit in much weirder pandemic-beginning-times than the update, most of us were guzzling it up for at least the first month or two — so what happened this time?

We smushed together Zion from the video team and Kate from the writing team to discuss their thoughts, sentimenti, and discoveries made while playing the update and the DLC. Anche, because both of them are very chatty and easily distracted, they also discuss hats, chocolate, and secret toilets.

Give the video a watch if you want to know our general verdict on the update and DLC, or just to listen to us chat for an hour, or to witness the premiere of Kate’s face on the Nintendo Life YouTube channel. Who knew Kate even had a face? Certainly not us, the mysterious (and weirdly plural) writer of this article.

What’s been your thoughts on the Animal Crossing update? Let us know in the comments!
