Video: Persona 5 Confronto grafico Royal Side-By-Side (Interruttore & PS4)
If all of the outstanding reviews per Persona 5 Reale on the Nintendo Switch weren’t already convincing enough, we’ve also got a side-by-side comparison video to prove just how good this particular version of the game is.
The comparison clip, courtesy of GameXplain – shows the Nintendo Switch version alongside the PlayStation 4 rilasciare. This includes a number of cinematic segments as well as some of the gameplay. Dai un'occhiata qui sotto:
As noted in our Nintendo Life review, the Switch version of the game features “some fuzzier textures” and a softer visual presentation in both docked and handheld compared to the PlayStation counterparts. Per quanto riguarda le prestazioni, it’s mostly 30FPS with some minor drops here and there.
Aggiungerai Persona 5 Royal to your Switch collection later this week? Dicci sotto.