Video: Solid Snake si tuffa in una breve storia di Metal Gear Solid
di Konami Metal Gear Solid: Collezione Master vol. 1 wasn’t exactly met with universal acclaim from fans of the franchise (though we thought it was mostly “piuttosto buono”), but that’s not stopping the publisher from promoting the collection at every opportunity.
The latest video is a rather elaborate advertisement in which voice actor David Hayter, perhaps best known for his work on Metal Gear as Solid Snake and Big Boss, takes us on a brief journey through history as we dive into the classic Metal Gear Solid trilogy originally released on PS1 and PS2.
All three games can now be played via the Master Collection in addition to Ingranaggio di metallo, Ingranaggio di metallo 2: Solid Snake, La vendetta del serpente, and the NES port of Ingranaggio di metallo.
The video is only the first entry in what seems to be an ongoing series for the time being, but since the next episode will dive into the upcoming remake of Mangiatore di serpenti (which won’t be gracing the Nintendo Switch), we’ll likely leave that up to our buddies at Piazza Spinta e Xbox pura coprire.