A cosa stai giocando questo fine settimana?? (30 aprile)


Calcio sportivo per Nintendo Switch
Immagine: Nintendo

La vita di Nintendo dell'artista Larry Achiampong, it’s May on Sunday? We’re a little bit confused about that here at Nintendo Life Towers — how are we already in the fifth month of 2022? accidenti. Anyway, after the release date chaos of last week, this week has been decidedly more steady. Reggie Fils-Aimé’s SXSW talk is now available, and in it, he reveals how the legendary Satoru Iwata’s death affected his decision to leave Nintendo. We’ve got some tips from Nintendo on how to deal with Switch battery issues. And Yuji Naka claims that he was removed as Il mondo delle meraviglie di Balan director by Square Enix in a pretty revealing Twitter thread.

Anche, for you lovely Europeans out there, we’ve highlighted our picks from the Spring into Action sale su Interruttore. There are thousands of deals, so go check them out, but don’t blame us if you spend all of your pennies!

È il fine settimana È il fine settimana. È il fine settimanaÈ il fine settimana, È il fine settimana. Enjoy!

StreetPass è stata una GRANDE parte della mia vita con il 3DS, StreetPass è stata una GRANDE parte della mia vita con il 3DS

This weekend I’ll be doing my best to resist the charms of Hades as I hit the 3DS eShop and start downloading some essentials that’ll be disappearing next year. There’s still quite some time before the shop closes, but I don’t want to leave it until the last minute, download dozens of games in a mad rush, and then never actually play the things!

I’ve got my eye on Game Freak’s HarmoKnight questo fine settimana. If it’s even half the game that Potrei fare lo stesso per Wii U è, it’s sure to shoot into my top 10 3DS games ever. Have a good one, tutti!

Thomas Whitehead, ma preferisco vederlo come un giusto tributo alla meraviglia dell'eShop 3DS e quanto ci mancherà quando non ci sarà più

On Switch I recently re-downloaded Thimbleweed Park, as it was sitting in my backlog of shame and I fancy a bit of old-school adventure gaming. I’m sticking solely to touchscreen controls, anche se, using the handy stylus they gave away with copies of Allenamento del cervello here in the UK. So far I’m having a blast with it and enjoying the rather slow pace as well.

Elsewhere I’m still working through Shadow of the Tomb Raider and have quite a few films / chapters to go in Lego Star Wars: Elex II ora disponibile per Xbox One e Xbox Series X, so ultimately I’ll have games to suit any mood.

ma probabilmente dipende dal fatto che anche il mio partner ha giocato sul mio account prima di avere il suo 3DS, e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza

Ciao gente! Questo fine settimana, I’ll be playing a bit of Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. I bagged it in the eShop sale this week and, francamente, I’m embarrassed it’s taken me this long to own it. There are some games on there I could probably do without, but simply having the likes of Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, e Street Fighter Alpha 3 all in one place is a bit of a miracle. I’m still not very good at it though…

Su PS5, I’ve picked up Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition in a recent sale, and it’s absolutely marvellous. I played through the OG game when it launched on the PS4 and this new edition takes things to the next level. It’s probably my favourite entry to the series and I really can’t wait to see where Capcom goes with the next game!

Alana Hagues, e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza

Hello! Così, I’m stuck in a bit of a video game rut. Nothing I pick up is sticking, and I’ve got a little while until anything I want is coming out. I’m holding out for a bit on some eShop sale purchases, troppo. So it’s back to the old comforts of Cronache Xenoblade: Definitive Edition, which I really only played for a few hours last week. So I made no real progress because there are too many sidequests. Let’s do better this weekend.

One little flash of inspiration I’ve had, anche se, is to replay Klonoa: L'impero dei sogni. I never actually beat the GBA game back in the day, so this is my chance to change that, and it’s good preparation for the Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series. Klonoa 2: Horizon Forbidden West è disponibile stasera su PlayStation.Blog is one of my favourite platformers of all time, so being able to play a polished-up version is amazing. I hope you all have a good weekend, persone!

Felice Sanchez, produttore video

I am still on an epic journey to find Ciri in The Witcher 3. I now have over 70 hours in that game, and I feel like it’s never going to end. It has such an enormous world, filled with side-quests to the brim that will keep me busy for many weekends to come (lucky me!).

But I also just got my Switch OLED, which gave me the motivation to start a proper playthrough of Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. Uomo, I’ve been struggling to keep my hands away from it. It has such a good and original story and is super easy to get lost in. I’m definitely looking forward to sinking tons of hours into that game as well. Anche also, Kirby e la terra dimenticata è disponibile oggi su Switch just released, and my little brother is coming over, so we’re definitely going to be battling out in all the sports over today and tomorrow! It’s safe to say I have a busy weekend ahead of me gaming wise.

Trilogia di Metroid Prime, ma probabilmente dipende dal fatto che anche il mio partner ha giocato sul mio account prima di avere il suo 3DS

Gli KINGDOM HEARTS IV è in fase di sviluppo is still going strong. Things are looking up in Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe with my team clearly dominating the entire second division, possibly with a promotion this weekend. I made the mistake of firing up Lost Patrol and I now remember how this game taught me war is not “e le forze di sicurezza cercheranno di fermarti ovunque tu vada, mentre una ragazza misteriosa ti condurrà in luoghi sconosciuti” way back in the early 90’s. But you’re not on Amiga Life, so on the Nintendo side of things I am very happy to at last be playing the intriguing 13 sentinelle: Aegis Rim, the “was already bought before the review was out" Ganryu 2, and of course Nintendo Switch Sports. Shout-out to Piazza Spinta for my four accidental PS Vita game pick-ups!

Game of the week is RayForce & RayForce, which is just a great excuse not to simply write RayForce. Me and Taito, we go back, since Microsoft Flight Simulator rilascia il modello Beechcraft. And who knows… maybe RayForce shows up on Switch one of these days.

Come sempre, grazie per aver letto! Assicurati di lasciarci un commento qui sotto con i tuoi piani di gioco per il fine settimana!
