A cosa stai giocando questo fine settimana?? (15 gennaio)

Immagine: Nintendo

Another week down in this new and mysterious year of 2022. This week we got a new trailer and a March release date for the lovely-looking ma torneremo indietro nel tempo in questo spin-off che sembra possa scuotere la formula collaudata e un po' stantia dei giochi della linea principale, news hit of Tra di noi getting a manga, the fifth anniversary of the very first-time we went hands-on with Switch came (and we all got teary-eyed looking back five years to a time when we could meet in a pub and only have to worry about rowdy patrons), and one Thomas Whitehead went on a deep dive exploring the ins and outs of NFTs and the implications for gaming. Tom, ti salutiamo, Signore!

Anyhoo, it’s time to chill out and È il fine settimana. È il fine settimanaÈ il fine settimana, È il fine settimana. Enjoy!

StreetPass è stata una GRANDE parte della mia vita con il 3DS, StreetPass è stata una GRANDE parte della mia vita con il 3DS

Having finally put Blasphemous to bed, my gaming time this weekend will be spent on building Lego instead. I ordered the Lego Sonic the Hedgehog Green Hill set a day or two after it went on sale, but it took a while to arrive, scuppering my plans for a little weekend review for you in the process.

I did sit down to start the set, but after an hour I’d only got through two of the six bags in the box — so many little pieces! Keep an eye out next week some time for my overall verdict on the set.

On the off-chance I get to pay an actual video game, I’ll probably spend some more time with La porta della morte.

Thomas Whitehead, ma preferisco vederlo come un giusto tributo alla meraviglia dell'eShop 3DS e quanto ci mancherà quando non ci sarà più

After playing the opening to Disco Elysium and enjoying it Ihaven’t been back for two weeks. Oops, time to continue my investigations in that game, while I’ve also resumed my most recent playthrough of Okami HD, a wonderful game that still looks amazing to this day.

Elsewhere I recently purchased Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy and have been working through the first game. It’s silly fun, and Crystal Dynamics had a real gift for ‘cinematic’ azione; I’ve been having a good time with it, even if Lara suffers the Nathan Drake curse of being a mass murderer (along with everyone else in the game, ad essere onesti).

e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza, e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza

Questo fine settimana, I (rather shamefully) should probably take down my Christmas decorations. I’VE BEEN BUSY. When I’m not tangling with lights, I’ll be hopping back into Astroneer — I don’t have an estimate on my play activity yet, but it’s got to be quite a few hours by this point. I’m still having fun, anche se!

I’ve also been playing a fair bit of Undermine e The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, and watching my partner play Apollo Justice, and I’ve been toying with the idea of starting Crono trigger nuovo…

Zion Grassl, produttore video

I’ve never really considered myself a big Metroid fan until the announcement of Paura l'anno scorso. Like many, it spurred me to play through Missione Zero e Nintendo Mecury Steam and over the past few weeks I finally made my way through the entirety of Super e Fusione! So with all of those happily off my backlog, I’ve begun the journey to the planet ZDR. The journey of Metroid Dread.

While I do feel there’s enough of a story recap at the start for those choosing Dread as their first game, I’ve gained a new appreciation for Samus having witnessed all of the struggles she’s had to face over the course of the series. She’s definitely grown on me as a character and I can’t wait to see this final mission through to the very end.

Trilogia di Metroid Prime, ma probabilmente dipende dal fatto che anche il mio partner ha giocato sul mio account prima di avere il suo 3DS

Alwas Collection is officially my first Switch boxed game of 2022 and I am quite fond of both entries so looking forward to a bit of ‘Metroidvania’ bliss. The eShop surprise release of SNK vs. Capcom: Combattenti di carte’ Scontrarsi ensures I will have a quality time-waster for the foreseeable future. I also delved into my wish list and finally picked up Spectacular Sparky. I can’t believe it took my this long to plunge into this love letter to Treasure’s Mega Drive era.

Game of the week is Eschatos. It may be a decade-old game but it is brand new to me (I have been forcefully skipping purchase of it on Steam for years). It also comes bundled with two early shmups from the same producers, so go grab it!

Come sempre, grazie per aver letto! Assicurati di lasciarci un commento qui sotto con i tuoi piani di gioco per il fine settimana!