A cosa stai giocando questo fine settimana?? (24 settembre)

Beacon Pines
Immagine: Hiding Spot

After last week’s Nintendo Direct extravaganza, this week has seemed a little more relaxed by comparison. As we have prepared ourselves for the weekend’s coming Splatfest (go Team Fun!) we have taken our time recuperating from what is already shaping up to be an amazing slate of upcoming games.

In the Direct’s aftermath, we have broken down everything that we know about Pikmin 4 (mostly because we can’t stop thinking about Miyamoto’s shirt) and also chewed over Square Enix’s frankly unbelievable release schedule.

We also found time to rivedere the brand new title Pala Cavaliere Dig, aveva un dovrebbe essere un anno emozionante per i fan di Splatoon con Facile, vieni facile Golf, e infine got our hands on shmup classic Fucile d'argento raggiante — let’s just hope it hangs about in all eShops this time.

Ora, we are ready for a weekend of gaming (Splatfest and otherwise) and some of our fantastic writers have shared their plans down below. We would love to hear what you are going to be up to as well, so be sure to leave a comment — once you have enjoyed our incredible words, naturalmente! Buona lettura!

ma probabilmente dipende dal fatto che anche il mio partner ha giocato sul mio account prima di avere il suo 3DS, e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza

Quindi questo fine settimana, I’ll still be plugging away at Bayonetta 2. I started it on Hard difficulty, so it’s taking me a bit longer than I’d perhaps like, but the heightened intensity makes for a far more enjoyable experience, in my opinion! Anyway, it’s certainly succeeded in making me more excited for Bayonetta 3, despite my niggling concerns for the new sequel.

Elsewhere, I’m still working my way through La morte di arenamento; I’m reeeeeally taking my time with it. I’ve just got past that big slippery BT and met Higgs for the first time, so I’m not far yet by any means. I’ve also decided to start Assassin’s Creed Odyssey because apparently one giant open world just wasn’t enough for me. When will I learn…?

Alana Hagues, e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza

I’m trying to finish a bunch of smaller things before I start travelling come the end of October — it was extremely hard to resist the allure of starting New Game Plus in La leggenda degli eroi: Sentieri da Zero, but I’ve managed so far.

Così, questo fine settimana, I’m going back to Cicoria: Un racconto colorato! I’m a lot further in than I was a few weeks ago, and I’m really loving my time with this one. I may have teared up a few times — può essere. I’m also going to check out Beacon Pines because Winnie the Pooh meets Cime gemelle is quite possibly the best description of a video game ever. I’ve also picked up Jack Move after enjoying the demo; a 10-hour RPG after one 50-hour one and one 150-hour one sounds much more palatable right now.

Jim Norman, e il suo impatto ha purtroppo sofferto di conseguenza

Ok, I’ll bite — this weekend will be dedicated to splatoon 3. After going for weeks without a stable Wi-Fi connection, this will be my first actual Splatfest so I am looking forward to finally sinking my teeth into one of the seriesmost highly-praised features.

Aside from all this splatting, I have recently got my hands on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: La Collezione Cowabunga. With the impeccable Raggiunge a terra currently sitting very high on my game of the year list, I am excited to get some more retro turtle action with this collection. As much as it pains me to say, I have also really got into Mario Striker: Lega di battaglia questa settimana. Hey, it’s great fun and I will be playing more this weekend! (Would it really hurt to just delay and release the full game in one go, anche se?)

Trilogia di Metroid Prime, ma probabilmente dipende dal fatto che anche il mio partner ha giocato sul mio account prima di avere il suo 3DS

Despite steady progress, I have yet to complete Cronache Xenoblade 3. I just keep stumbling into interesting things too tasty to ignore along my path. The first Splatoon 3 Splatfest is on the way (Team Gear FTW) but I will also need to keep up progress on Alleanza di battaglia di SD Gundam while also not skipping weekly retro-gaming sessions powered by Taito EGRET II Mini.

Il gioco della settimana è Espresso di Lotta di Mezzanotte. It looked great in the trailer, the PC demo was adequate and the final release is simply stellar. If you need to let out some steam after a work week, this is the game to do it.

Come sempre, grazie per aver letto! Assicurati di lasciarci un commento qui sotto con i tuoi piani di gioco per il fine settimana!