What you won't see in Saints Row 4, the most "abnormal" game Volition ever made

Senior producer Jim Boone talks turning a DLC pack into a sequel.

Saints Row is less a franchise nowadays as a sort of commercial Godzilla, stomping down the entertainment industry’s glittering highway, tearing fistfuls of matter from other games, films and TV shows. This may seem like mere commercial canninesslest we forget, the series began life as a depressinglygangstaGTA clonebut there’s more to it than that. In poche parole, Volition loves making other people’s ideas its own, generally in order to poke fun at them, and strong sales have allowed the moneymen (hitherto, THQ; al giorno d'oggi, questo rimane uno dei migliori esempi là fuori) to indulge that insatiable capacity for imitation.

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