Note di rilascio di Xbox Insider – Alpha Salta avanti (2408.240306-2200)

Ehi Xbox Insiders! We have a new Xbox Update Preview releasing to the Alpha Skip-Ahead ring today.

It’s important we note that some updates made to these preview OS builds include background improvements that ensure a quality and stable build for Xbox consoles. We will continue to post these release notes, even when the noticeable changes to the UI are minimal or behind the scenes, così sei a conoscenza quando arrivano gli aggiornamenti sul tuo dispositivo.

I dettagli possono essere trovati di seguito!

Note di rilascio di Xbox Insider

Dettagli Aggiornamento del sistema

  • Versione del sistema operativo: XB_FLT_2408GE26076.1502.240306-2200
  • A disposizione: 2 p.m. PT - Marzo 8, 2024
  • Obbligatorio: 3 a.m. PT - Marzo 9, 2024

Nuove funzionalità ed esperienze

Abbiamo notizie entusiasmanti! Alpha Skip-Ahead users can expect something new coming to their Xbox Update Preview.

Capture & Condividere

Users will now see a toast notification after uploading a new screenshot or game clip to OneDrive if they’re running low on space.

Xbox Wireless Controllers

We’re releasing a new version of the Xbox Wireless Controller firmware today which includes improvements to unexpected disconnections when using a wired headset.

If your controller needs an update, you will be prompted to install it once the controller is powered on and connects to your console. You can also open the Xbox Accessories App to install the update manually if you missed or dismissed the prompt.

Fixes Included

Thanks to all the great feedback Xbox Insiders provide and the hard work of Xbox engineers, we are happy to announce the following fixes have been implemented with this build:


  • Vari aggiornamenti correttamente riflettono lingue locali in tutto il console.

Known Issues

While known issues may have been listed in previous Xbox Insider Release Notes, they are not being ignored! Tuttavia, it may take Xbox engineers more tempo per trovare una soluzione. If you experience any of these issues, we ask that you please follow any guidance provided and file feedback with Report a Problem.


  • Some users have reported experiencing intermittent audio issues across the dashboard, giochi, e app.
    • Troubleshooting: If you do experience issues, please confirm your TV and all other equipment have the latest firmware installed. If you are unsure, potrebbe essere necessario contattare il produttore per assistenza. You can also find additional troubleshooting tips here: Troubleshoot audio on your Xbox console.
    • Feedback: If you continue to experience issues after applying the latest firmware and troubleshooting further, please submit feedback via Report a Problem when you are experiencing the issue. Use the “Reproduce with advanced diagnostics” option, quindi seleziona la categoria "Esperienze console" e "Problemi di output audio della console".
      • Note: Be sure to include as much information as possible about the issue, when it started, your setup, troubleshooting you have completed, and any additional information that will help us reproduce the issue.


  • We are investigating reports of an issue where the console may not connect to the network immediately on boot. Se provi questo, assicurati di segnalare il problema tramite Segnala un problema non appena puoi.
    • Workaround: Wait a minute or two for the connection to establish. If your console still hasn’t connected, restart your Xbox from the Power Center or the guide then file feedback with Report a Problem. Learn more about restarting here: How to restart or power cycle your Xbox console.

Come sempre, be sure to use Segnala un problema to keep us informed of any issues you encounter. Potremmo non essere in grado di rispondere a tutti, ma i dati ci riuniamo è fondamentale per trovare una soluzione.

Cosa succede al tuo feedback

Se sei un Xbox Insider in cerca di supporto, please visit the subreddit della comunità. Staff Xbox ufficiale, moderatori, e altri Xbox Insider sono lì per aiutarti con le tue preoccupazioni.

Quando pubblichi sul subreddit, please look through the most recent posts to see if your issue has already been posted or addressed. We always recommend adding to existing threads with the same issue before posting a new one. Questo ci aiuta a supportarti nel miglior modo possibile! Anche, don’t forget to use “Report a Problem” before posting – the information shared in both places helps us understand your issue better.

Thank you to every Xbox Insider in the subreddit today and welcome to the community if you’re just joining us! Ci piace che sia diventato un centro di conversazione e supporto così amichevole e guidato dalla comunità.

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