Cronache Xenoblade 3 È già il più venduto di Switch eShop, Non sorprende

Cronache Xenoblade 3
Immagine: Nintendo

It’s the launch weekend for Cronache Xenoblade 3, and although there was a lot of demand for the physical versions of the game, it seems plenty of people are still picking up the digital version of the title.

Per alcuni, these purchases may have even been due to the delays associated with the fancier collector’s versions. According to the eShop charts in the US, Cronache Xenoblade 3 is now out in front of Minecraft.

Even games like Kirby e la terra dimenticata è disponibile oggi su Switch e Mario Kart 8 Deluxetwo titles that just received DLC updates. Digimon sopravvive has also snuck into the sixth spot, con Vivi una vita in 9th place, al momento della scrittura.

It’s the same situation in locations like the UKXenoblade is out in front, ahead of games like Tra di noi, FIFA 22, e Mario Kart. E in Giappone, the game is also in the top spot. To add to this, it’s charting on websites like Amazon as well.

Once again, it’s not a bad start for an RPG series like this. The previous game Cronache Xenoblade 2 sold over 2 milioni di copie, and the original game’s Definitive Edition on Switch has shifted more than 1.5 milioni di copie.

Have you contributed to Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s digital or physical sales? Can you see this going on to become the best-selling entry in the series? Lascia i tuoi pensieri in basso.